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Surgery After Weight Loss

It’s a huge accomplishment to lose a significant amount of weight. Your health, your appearance and your attitude have all undergone major improvements. Now that you’ve achieved your weight loss goal, you shouldn’t have to be embarrassed by large amounts of loose skin.

When skin is stretched out of a long period of time, it loses its elasticity. This prevents it from shrinking back to fit the shape of your new, fit physique.

Excess skin can not only be bothersome by making it hard to find clothes that fit right; it can also have a profound affect on your lifestyle – it can limit mobility and create hygiene problems with continual skin-to-skin contact.

The only way to remove excess skin resulting from this kind of weight loss is through surgery. Body contouring surgery involves making an incision, removing excess skin, and suturing the area with fine stitches to minimize scarring. With these types of procedures, scarring is unavoidable. Liposuction may be used in conjunction with some procedures.

At Core & Associates in Birmingham, Alabama, you will receive the best possible care and attention. If you would like to schedule a private consultation, please send us an email or give us a call at (877) 397-2100 or (205) 397-2100.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact us.

3595 Grandview Parkway, #150, Birmingham, AL 35243

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