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3 Ways To Get Younger Looking Skin

Would you like younger looking skin? Find out how to get it below.

Put Prevention First

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but there are things you can do to prevent them from developing as quickly or from being as prominent. Even if you’ve already started to develop some wrinkles, good habits can help them from becoming more noticeable. Use the following tips to prevent wrinkles:

  • Use a moisturizer daily and keep your skin hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoid sun damage by wearing sunscreen when you go out doors and staying indoors in the afternoon when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes or pulling at your skin. Remember that the skin around your eyes is thin and fragile.
  • Apply a retinol cream at night to improve your skin tone and treat fine lines.

Wear Less Makeup

This may seem counter intuitive, but wearing heavy makeup actually makes you look older. This is because powder and heavy foundation settles into the fine lines and creases on your skin and makes them look more noticeable. Instead of wearing a lot of makeup, use a few tricks to make yourself look younger.

  • Use concealer to highlight the corners of your eyes and mouth
  • Wear light pink or nude lipstick or a light lip gloss to make your mouth look younger and fuller
  • Avoid wearing dark eye shadow since it can make your eyelids look heavier. Instead use light creams and neutral colors.
  • Use a cool compress to reduce puffiness around your eyes and cover dark circles under your eyes with concealer.

Ask About Obagi® Skin Care

At Core Plastic Surgery our staff has been trained in skin restoration techniques that correct problems instead of covering them up. The Obagi® Skin Care system is a prescription treatment that helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Because these skin care products are prescription strength, you can only get them from a doctor. To learn more about this option and other tools for improving your appearance, schedule a consultation at Core Plastic Surgery.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact us.

3595 Grandview Parkway, #150, Birmingham, AL 35243

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